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At a Glance: GHMS

Middle School Level Philosophy

The middle years are a time of exploration: intellectual, social, aesthetic and physical. Each GHMS student is given the opportunity to develop to his or her fullest potential in each of these areas. CV’s middle school program utilizes a team approach in which teachers and students are divided into “learning community” teams to facilitate exploration of subjects and cross-curriculuar understanding. The middle school’s flexible schedule allows for unique teaching and learning experiences, as well as the best use of instructional time.


The middle school curriculum is designed to give students the skills they need to be successful contributors to our communities. Interdisciplinary teaching, a cornerstone of the team approach, gives learning a greater sense of relevance and meaning by providing connections between subjects. In addition to core subjects, middle school students study world languages and technolog

Specialized Faculty

The middle school faculty is highly-trained and sensitive to the middle school learner. Some GHMS teachers have shared their expertise as presenters at local, state and national conferences on the topics of interdisciplinary instruction, teaming, middle school philosophy and simulations.


The middle school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including 13 sports teams. Middle school students can also participate in the school play and community service groups, as well as band, chorus and orchestra.

Advisory Groups

The middle school includes an advisory program where teachers have the opportunity to interact with students in a class meeting format. This time and structure allow for discussion about anti-bullying practices, expectations for respectful, responsible behavior and academic concerns, as well as problem-solving methods to foster strong student decision-making skills. 

Hands-On Learning

Hands-on instructional practices are key to many learning opportunities at the middle school. All students receive a laptop for use during the school year, and teachers utilize various 1:1 learning technologies and strategies. Students also enjoy modern equipment in tech classes and digital experimentation equipment in science labs. The middle school also features a student-run television studio. Learning opportunities extend beyond the classroom setting to include an interdisciplinary experience at Cape Henlopen, Del., and a joint science fair with CV High School.