Buckskin CARES
Please consider becoming a member of Buckskin CARES. In keeping with the school district’s goal of encouraging our students to become caring, responsible individuals, Huesken Middle School and VIA have joined to create Buckskin CARES, a community service organization. CARES is an acronym for Concerned, Aware, Responsible, Energetic Students. Our goal is to offer our energy, our creativity, and our concern to all who need it.
Buckskin CARES grew out of 8 Blue CARES, an integral part of the 8 Blue team for twenty-five years. Now that Mrs. Fisher has retired from her teaching duties, she is able to expand the team’s community service group to include all middle school students. Every student can join Buckskin CARES. You don’t have to be involved in every project; maybe only one or two will appeal to you. Your schedule after school might be full of sports or music practices, but you still can get involved in activities that might run during the day.
Through Buckskin CARES you can work with local charities or participate in our group activities. There are many local organizations that need your help.
Please read the uploaded packet carefully. You will find a detailed schedule of some upcoming projects and very important information. Share all of this with your parents because they may need to become involved, too. The last page is a sign-up sheet. Please remove it from the packet and complete it. Both you and your parents must sign it. Return it to the office as soon as possible we can begin planning our activities.