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Tips for Students and Their Families Coming to GHMS - 10 Ways to Help Your Child Enter Middle School 

  1. Start talking about the differences between elementary school and middle school early in your child's 6th grade year - and with honesty
  2. Give your child more responsibilities for decision making tasks at home as preparation for increased deadlines in middle school.
  3. Supplement school work with additional reading and writing projects at home in readiness for lengthier school assignments.
  4. Talk about the fun of changing rooms and teachers several times a day.  Explain that each class is a separate subject where they will have a teacher who is an expert in that subject.
  5. Help your child understand that students have to adapt to different teachers.
  6. Visit the middle school several times together (if given the opportunity) to help your teen become comfortable with the changes from his or her school
  7. Attend all new school orientations.  Celebrate the fact that this transition is an adventure and a step forward in your child's education.
  8. Discuss the fact that your child is moving from being the "top dog" to the bottom of the ladder--preparation makes it easier.
  9. Find out who you child's teachers will be and see if you can make appointments with them to introduce your child prior to the new school year.
  10. Make a list together of your child's expectations for middle school.  Make a plan to ensure the expectations are met.

WEB, which stands for “Where Everybody Belongs,” is a middle school orientation and transition program that welcomes 6th graders and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their middle school experience. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, the program trains mentors from your 8th grade class to be WEB Leaders. As positive role models, WEB Leaders are mentors and student leaders who guide the 6th/7th graders to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to middle school and help facilitate 6th/7th grade success.

More and more studies show that if students have a positive experience their first year in middle school, their chances for success increase dramatically. WEB provides the structure for 6th/7th graders to receive support and guidance from 8th graders who have been through the challenges that middle school poses and understand that the transition to a larger school can sometimes be overwhelming.

WEB also acts as an anti-bullying program for your school by providing it with a cadre of student leaders who look for bullying behavior and help stop it. WEB gives older students permission to be aware of and report any negative behavior they see, creating a safer school for everybody.

WEB is a yearlong transition program with four components that contribute to its success:

  • Middle School Orientation - WEB Leaders and 7th graders start building the mentor relationship and receive information about how to be successful in middle school
  • Academic Follow Ups - WEB Leaders support 6th grade academic success and character development through classroom visits
  • Social Follow Ups - WEB Leaders and 6th graders connect outside the classroom at social events to increase student engagement and promote positive school climate
  • Leader Initiated Contacts - WEB Leaders connect with their 7th graders on a more individual basis

Transition Programming for Outgoing 8th Grade Students – LINK Crew

Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their high school experience. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, Boomerang Project’s proven high school transition program trains mentors from your junior and senior classes to be Link Crew Leaders. As positive role models, Link Crew Leaders are mentors and student leaders who guide the freshmen to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school and help facilitate freshman success.

More and more studies show that if students have a positive experience their first year in high school, their chance for success increases dramatically. Link Crew provides the structure for freshmen to receive support and guidance from juniors and seniors who have been through the challenges that high school poses, and understand that the transition to a larger school can sometimes be overwhelming.

Link Crew is a year long transition program with four components that contribute to its success:

  • High School Orientation - Link Leaders and freshmen start building the mentor relationship and freshmen receive information about how to be successful in high school
  • Academic Follow Ups - Link Leaders support freshman academic success and character development through structured classroom visits
  • Social Follow Ups - Link Leaders and freshmen connect outside the classroom at social events to increase student engagement, and promote positive school climate
  • Leader Initiated Contacts - Link Leaders connect with their freshmen on a more individual basis