Career Websites
Career Websites
If you are searching for career specific information, please feel free to call or email your student's counselor for more information.
Career Cruising
This website holds a incomparable amount of information relating to careers, appropriate planning, and accessing postsecondary education. Please useUser ID: cvhs and Password: conestoga to gain access to this program.
This website holds a wealth of information about careers and colleges. Please use User ID: 0047172 and Password: bucks to gain access to this program.
O Net Resource Center
This comprehensive database offers much information on careers: worker attributes, knowledge, skills, abilities, interests, general worker activities and work context are just some of the categories of interest when researching your career.
America's Career InfoNet
America's Career InfoNet is also a site prepared by the U.S. Department of Labor. There is both career and labor market information on this site.
National Career Development Association
By clicking on "Internet Resources", then "Internet Sites for Career Planning" on this page, you open a slew of free resources from self-assessments to occupational information at your fingertips.
Information regarding careers in today's military is offered on this site.
Find several teaching strategies here to explore careers with your secondary students. A sample lesson plan is included.