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Academic Support Resources

Homework and Studying Success: Tips To Help You Succeed at GHMS 

1. Think Positively

Studying takes an effort, but a "can-do" attitude always helps!

2. Use Time Wisely

  • Plan time to study every day
  • Use your agenda to write down assignments and break down larger projects into smaller pieces
  • Plan for deadlines
  • Complete all assignments as soon as possible

Tips for Taking Notes 

1. Taking Notes While Listening

  • Write down only "Key" words or statements
  • Use clues to know when something is important like "to sum up" or "to review"
  • Listen for major conclusions
  • If your teacher writes something down on the board or whiteboard, you should, too!!

2. Taking Notes from Any Literature

  • Jot down Headings and Subheadings. These outline your readings.
  • Read the introduction and summary. Most important information os often found here.
  • Read the entire chapter. Jot down key points for all Headings and Subheadings.

3. Why Take Notes

  • It's what you really need to know.
  • Notes help you concentrate on what's important in class.
  • Notes are the perfect way to review for quizzes and tests. 

Where You Can Go to Find Academic Help at GHMS 

For Students:

Students should continue to use time during study halls and lunch to approach teachers about any questions they may have concerning the academic content or assignments.

  1. All students have approximately 40 minutes of lunch period where teachers help monitor. During this time, ask your questions, ask for help, and advocate for your education!

For Parents/Guardians:

  1. Please feel free to contact your student's teachers or counselor through email or by phone if you should have any questions regarding grades. Grades may be checked through the Community Portal, a CVSD program that can be accessed through the internet after registering. For more information on the Community Portal, contact you student's counselor.
  2. Your student's teachers are always willing to meet with parents during the school day. If you should feel the need to schedule a meeting, please contact your student's counselor or a teacher on the team to arrange for a meeting.