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Team Homework Sites


Dog eats homework
Click on your team's name below to link to your team's homework listings.


7 Blue Team

Blue team reports all homework through Schoology. 

Blue team students and parents can sign up to have homework texted to them through Remind. To sign up: Enter 81010 into the Phone number of your messaging system.  Enter @bthmwk in the message.  Hit Send.  A confirmation text will be sent asking for your name so we know who has signed up.

7 Gold Team

Gold team homework is posted on the Gold Team Schoology Page.

Gold team students and parents can sign up to have homework texted to them through Remind.  To sign up: Enter 81010 into the Phone number of your messaging system.  Enter@gthmwk in the message.  Hit Send.  A confirmation text will be sent asking for your name so we know who has signed up.

7 Red Team

All homework for 7-red is reported through Schoology

To access the homework page check under the groups tab and open the group titled CVMS 7-Red Team.  If you are not already a member you will have to type in MHPDQ-D8DDJ as the access code.

Red team students and parents can sign up to have homework texted to them through Remind.  To sign up: Enter 81010 into the Phone number of your messaging system.  Enter@redteamh in the message.  Hit Send.  A confirmation text will be sent asking for your name so we know who has signed up.

8 Gold Team

Gold team reports homework through Schoology.

8 Red Team

Red team reports all homework through Schoology.

8 Blue Team

Blue team reports homework through Schoology.